
At the school's Fall Festival celebration in 2021, I photographed the event with another staff member.

Photos always add to text, both for online and print. As a staff, we sometimes underutilize the power of photo storytelling and can lean more heavily on graphics. My goal this year has been to encourage all members of staff to use photography alongside their reporting. When I’m reporting myself, the camera is my best friend. Below are a few examples of my photography, both for campus events and feature photography. Click each image to read the accompanying caption:

Around campus

Off campus


Feature photography

Photo galleries

Photo galleries are a quick and fun way to share a visual story with an audience. During my time on staff, I've shot photos for a range of photo galleries. Quiz Night is (evidently) a favorite, but I've also contributed to photo galleries for Aequitas Week, grade dances and Spirit Assemblies. Click each featured image to view the accompanying gallery:

Print photography

A few of my photographs have appeared in our print issues, whether the Concert Choir Holi Festival or the Grade 12 walk-in tradition.

Encouraging staff photography

Aside from facilitating the event coverage spreadsheet to ensure members of staff take photos for each event, I send staff-wide emails for bigger events to encourage everyone participating to practice their photo-taking abilities and contribute to a photo gallery. Aequitas Week and alternative trips were two recent examples:

Aequitas Week photo gallery email.

Alternatives activity photo gallery email.